Mainflux CLI makes it easy to manage users, things, channels and messages.

CLI can be downloaded as separate asset from project realeses or it can be built with GNU Make tool:

make cli

which will build mainflux-cli in <project_root>/build folder.

Executing build/mainflux-cli without any arguments will output help with all available commands and flags:

  mainflux-cli [command]

Available Commands:
  channels    Channels management
  help        Help about any command
  messages    Send or read messages
  provision   Bulk create things and channels from a config file
  things      Things management
  users       Users management
  version     Mainflux system version

  -c, --content-type string    Mainflux message content type (default "application/senml+json")
  -h, --help                   help for mainflux-cli
  -a, --http-prefix string     Mainflux http adapter prefix (default "http")
  -i, --insecure               Do not check for TLS cert
  -l, --limit uint             limit query parameter (default 100)
  -m, --mainflux-url string    Mainflux host URL (default "http://localhost")
  -o, --offset uint            offset query parameter
  -t, --things-prefix string   Mainflux things service prefix
  -u, --users-prefix string    Mainflux users service prefix

Use "mainflux-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.

It is also possible to use the docker image mainflux/cli to execute CLI command:

docker run -it --rm mainflux/cli -m http://<IP_SERVER> [command]

You can execute each command with -h flag for more information about that command, e.g.

mainflux-cli channels -h

will get you usage info:

Channels management: create, get, update or delete Channels and get list of Things connected to Channels

  mainflux-cli channels [flags]
  mainflux-cli channels [command]

Available Commands:
  connections connections <channel_id> <user_auth_token>
  create      create <JSON_channel> <user_auth_token>
  delete      delete <channel_id> <user_auth_token>
  get         get <channel_id | all> <user_auth_token>
  update      update <JSON_string> <user_auth_token>


Get the version of Mainflux services#

mainflux-cli version

Users management#

Create User#

mainflux-cli users create <user_email> <user_password>

Login User#

mainflux-cli users token <user_email> <user_password>

Retrieve User#

mainflux-cli users get <user_auth_token>

Update User Metadata#

mainflux-cli users update '{"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2"}' <user_auth_token>

Update User Password#

mainflux-cli users password <old_password> <password> <user_auth_token>

System Provisioning#

Create Thing#

mainflux-cli things create '{"name":"myThing"}' <user_auth_token>

Create Thing with metadata#

mainflux-cli things create '{"name":"myThing", "metadata": {\"key1\":\"value1\"}}' <user_auth_token>

Bulk Provision Things#

mainflux-cli provision things <file> <user_auth_token>
  • file - A CSV or JSON file containing things (must have extension .csv or .json)
  • user_auth_token - A valid user auth token for the current system

Update Thing#

mainflux-cli things update '{"id":"<thing_id>", "name":"myNewName"}' <user_auth_token>

Remove Thing#

mainflux-cli things delete <thing_id> <user_auth_token>

Retrieve a subset list of provisioned Things#

mainflux-cli things get all --offset=1 --limit=5 <user_auth_token>

Retrieve Thing By ID#

mainflux-cli things get <thing_id> <user_auth_token>

Create Channel#

mainflux-cli channels create '{"name":"myChannel"}' <user_auth_token>

Bulk Provision Channels#

mainflux-cli provision channels <file> <user_auth_token>
  • file - A CSV or JSON file containing channels (must have extension .csv or .json)
  • user_auth_token - A valid user auth token for the current system

Update Channel#

mainflux-cli channels update '{"id":"<channel_id>","name":"myNewName"}' <user_auth_token>

Remove Channel#

mainflux-cli channels delete <channel_id> <user_auth_token>

Retrieve a subset list of provisioned Channels#

mainflux-cli channels get all --offset=1 --limit=5 <user_auth_token>

Retrieve Channel By ID#

mainflux-cli channels get <channel_id> <user_auth_token>

Access control#

Connect Thing to Channel#

mainflux-cli things connect <thing_id> <channel_id> <user_auth_token>

Bulk Connect Things to Channels#

mainflux-cli provision connect <file> <user_auth_token>
  • file - A CSV or JSON file containing thing and channel ids (must have extension .csv or .json)
  • user_auth_token - A valid user auth token for the current system

An example CSV file might be


in which the first column is thing IDs and the second column is channel IDs. A connection will be created for each thing to each channel. This example would result in 4 connections being created.

A comparable JSON file would be

    "thing_ids": [
    "channel_ids": [

Disconnect Thing from Channel#

mainflux-cli things disconnect <thing_id> <channel_id> <user_auth_token>

Retrieve a subset list of Channels connected to Thing#

mainflux-cli things connections <thing_id> <user_auth_token>

Retrieve a subset list of Things connected to Channel#

mainflux-cli channels connections <channel_id> <user_auth_token>


Send a message over HTTP#

mainflux-cli messages send <channel_id> '[{"bn":"Dev1","n":"temp","v":20}, {"n":"hum","v":40}, {"bn":"Dev2", "n":"temp","v":20}, {"n":"hum","v":40}]' <thing_auth_token>

Read messages over HTTP#

mainflux-cli messages read <channel_id> <thing_auth_token>


Add configuration#

mainflux-cli bootstrap add '{"external_id": "myExtID", "external_key": "myExtKey", "name": "myName", "content": "myContent"}' <user_auth_token>

View configuration#

mainflux-cli bootstrap view <thing_id> <user_auth_token>

Update configuration#

mainflux-cli bootstrap update '{"MFThing":"<thing_id>", "name": "newName", "content": "newContent"}' <user_auth_token>

Remove configuration#

mainflux-cli bootstrap remove <thing_id> <user_auth_token>

Bootstrap configuration#

mainflux-cli bootstrap bootstrap <external_id> <external_key>